Send a Welcome Message in a Microsoft Teams Notification Bot


Sending a Welcome Message in a Microsoft Teams Notification Bot Using Azure Function (HTTP Trigger) with JavaScript

In this blog, we'll discuss how to send a welcome message when a Microsoft Teams notification bot, built with Azure Functions (HTTP trigger) using JavaScript, is added to a chat or channel. By leveraging the conversationUpdate event and integrating it into the Azure Functions workflow, you can automate the delivery of a welcome message every time your bot is introduced to a new conversation.

Here’s how to integrate this functionality into your Azure Function-based bot.


In this setup, you’re likely using an Azure HTTP-triggered function to manage notifications, and you want the bot to automatically send a welcome message when added to a Microsoft Teams chat or channel.

How Does It Work?

  • Bot Initialization: The bot is deployed using Azure Functions, with a specific URL endpoint for triggering actions.
  • Handling conversationUpdate Event: The bot receives an event when it is added to a conversation. We can use this event to trigger a welcome message.
  • Sending Welcome Message: The bot replies with a message that includes details such as the conversation type, ID, and the bot's HTTP endpoint.

Steps to Send a Welcome Message Using an Azure HTTP Trigger

Set Up the Azure Function

You need to have an Teams Notification Bot project set up with an HTTP trigger to handle incoming requests.

Learn how to create your own Teams Notification Bot:

Click Here

1. Locate the teamsBot.js file:

2. Update the teamsBot.js file with the following code:

module.exports = async function (context, req) {

    context.log('HTTP trigger function processed a request.');

    // Handle conversation update event

    const activity = req.body; // Incoming activity from Teams (includes conversation update event)

    if (activity.type === 'conversationUpdate') {

        const membersAdded = activity.membersAdded;

        for (let i = 0; i < membersAdded.length; i++) {

            const member = membersAdded[i];

            if ( === {

                // The bot was added to the conversation

                const conversationType = activity.conversation.conversationType;

                const conversationId =;

                // Static bot URL (replace with your actual bot's URL)

                const botHttpUrl = "https://notification***";

                // Create the welcome message

                const welcomeMessage = {

                    type: "message",

                    text: `Hello! I have been added to this ${conversationType}.\n\n` +

                          `Conversation ID: ${conversationId}\n\n` +

                          `Bot HTTP URL: ${botHttpUrl}\n\n` +

                          `Feel free to interact with me!`


                // Send welcome message response

                context.res = {

                    status: 200,

                    body: welcomeMessage






    // Default response if no conversation update event

    context.res = {

        status: 200,

        body: "No members added."



Explanation of the Code

  • Azure Function HTTP Trigger: This function is triggered by an HTTP request, likely coming from Microsoft Teams. The function listens to incoming activities and processes them based on the type of event (e.g., conversationUpdate).
  • Handling the conversationUpdate Event:
    • The bot checks whether the incoming event is a conversationUpdate.
    • It then loops through the membersAdded array to check if the bot was added to the conversation.
    • If the bot is added, the function constructs a welcome message containing the conversation type, conversation ID, and a static HTTP URL.
  • Welcome Message Construction:
    • The welcome message includes the following:
      • Conversation Type: Whether it's a chat or a channel.
      • Conversation ID: Useful for logging or reference.
      • Bot HTTP URL: The static URL for the bot that users can use to interact with it directly.
  • Sending the Response: The Azure function sends a response containing the welcome message as part of the HTTP response to Teams.

Deploying the Function to Azure

Once the Azure Function is written and tested locally, you can deploy it to Azure through Visual Studio Code.

Ensure that:

  1. The bot is registered with the Microsoft Bot Framework.
  2. The bot is connected to the Microsoft Teams channel/Chat.

Benefits of This Approach

  • Serverless Architecture: Using Azure Functions, you can scale your bot without worrying about infrastructure.
  • Customizable: You can easily modify the welcome message, add more logic, or integrate additional services.
  • Real-time Notifications: The bot can send notifications in real time using an HTTP trigger, making it responsive and interactive.

Final Thoughts

Sending a welcome message when your bot is added to a Microsoft Teams chat or channel is a great way to create a more personalized and interactive experience for your users. By combining Azure Functions with the power of the Bot Framework and Microsoft Teams, you can easily implement this functionality without managing a full server infrastructure.

