Send an HTTP Request to list SharePoint libraries in Power Automate

To send an HTTP request to list SharePoint libraries in Power Automate, you can follow these steps:

1: Add a "Send an HTTP request to SharePoint" action to your flow.

2: In the "Site Address" field, enter the URL of the SharePoint site you want to query.

3: In the "Method" field, select "GET".

4: In the "Uri" field, enter the endpoint for the SharePoint REST API to list libraries, which is /_api/web/lists?$filter=BaseTemplate eq 101 (this will list only document libraries).

5: Under "Headers," add a new entry with the name "Accept" and the value "application/json;odata=nometadata".

6: Save and run your flow.

Here's an example of what the "Send an HTTP request to SharePoint" action might look like:

Site Address: https://<your-sharepoint-site>
Method: GET
Uri: /_api/web/lists?$filter=BaseTemplate eq 101
  Accept: application/json;odata=nometadata

This should return a JSON array of all document libraries in the SharePoint site.
