Exploring the New Features of Power Platform Pipelines 2.0

Power Platform Pipelines 2.0

Microsoft recently released Power Platform Pipelines 2.0, which includes several exciting new features that enhance the deployment process for makers and admins alike. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at these new features and how they can benefit your organization.
Scheduled Deployments

Scheduled Deployments

One of the most anticipated features in Power Platform Pipelines 2.0 is Scheduled Deployments. This feature allows makers to schedule solution deployments at convenient times while giving admins control over changes and cancellations. This means that deployments can be planned in advance and executed at the most optimal time for your organization.

To use Scheduled Deployments, simply follow your usual deployment process and select the “Later” option when deploying to another environment. This will allow you to choose a date and time for the deployment to occur. Once the deployment is scheduled, it can be cancelled through the Pipelines itself if necessary.


To use Extensibility, you’ll need to enable the “Pre-Deployment Step Required” option for the stages/environments you want to apply logic to in the Pipelines Mode-Driven app. Once this is enabled, you can use the “When an action is performed” Dataverse trigger for extensibility. The solution uses Dataverse Business Events that can trigger applied logic through products such as Power Automate.

Release Notes

The final new feature in Power Platform Pipelines 2.0 is Release Notes. This feature allows makers to include notes on the deployment, making it easier to understand why a deployment needs to happen. This can save time and effort when trying to track down information about a deployment.

In conclusion, Power Platform Pipelines 2.0 offers several exciting new features that can enhance the deployment process for makers and admins alike. Whether you’re looking to schedule deployments in advance, customize your deployment process, or keep better track of deployment information, Power Platform Pipelines 2.0 has something to offer.

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