Leveraging Dynamic Form for Elastic Table JSON Columns | Canvas App

Leveraging Dynamic JSON Form for Elastic Table JSON Columns in a Canvas App

In today's dynamic data-driven world, businesses often encounter scenarios where they need to interact with JSON data within their applications. This data could be stored in various formats, including JSON columns in databases like Elastic.

For Power Apps users seeking to manage and visualize JSON data effectively, one powerful solution lies in utilizing a custom Power Apps component framework (PCF) control. This control enables the creation of dynamic forms based on JSON data, providing a seamless user experience for interacting with complex data structures.

In this blog post, we'll explore how to integrate and utilize a PCF control for generating dynamic JSON forms within a Canvas app. Specifically, we'll focus on scenarios where the JSON data resides in Elastic tables with JSON columns.

What is a Power Apps PCF Control?

Power Apps PCF controls allow developers to create custom UI components using web standards like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These controls can then be seamlessly integrated into Canvas apps, providing enhanced functionality beyond what's available with standard Power Apps components.

Introducing the Dynamic JSON Form PCF Control

The Dynamic JSON Form PCF control is designed to dynamically generate form elements based on JSON data. It offers flexibility and customization options to visualize and interact with JSON data within Power Apps Canvas apps.

Benefits of Using the Dynamic JSON Form PCF Control:

  1. Flexibility: Easily create forms based on JSON structure.
  2. Customization: Customize the appearance and behavior of form elements.
  3. Seamless Integration: Integrate seamlessly into Power Apps Canvas apps.
  4. Enhanced User Experience: Provide users with an intuitive interface to interact with JSON data.

Integration Steps:

  1. Download the PCF Control: Start by downloading the Dynamic JSON Form PCF control from the GitHub repository.
  2. Import the Control Solution: Import the control solution into your Power Apps environment.
  3. Add the Control to Your Canvas App: Drag and drop the Dynamic JSON Form control onto your Canvas app screen.
  4. Configure the Control: Configure the control properties to specify the JSON data source and customize the form appearance as needed.
  5. Interact with JSON Data: Once the control is configured, users can interact with the form elements to view and modify JSON data dynamically.

Use Case: Elastic Table JSON Columns

Consider a scenario where you have a table in an Elastic database containing JSON columns. These columns store complex data structures that need to be displayed and edited within a Power Apps Canvas app.

By integrating the Dynamic JSON Form PCF control into your app, you can easily render these JSON columns as interactive forms. Users can view and edit the JSON data directly within the app, streamlining data management processes and enhancing productivity.


Incorporating the Dynamic JSON Form PCF control into your Canvas apps empowers you to efficiently manage JSON data from various sources, including Elastic tables with JSON columns. With its flexibility, customization options, and seamless integration capabilities, this PCF control revolutionizes the way you interact with complex data structures within Power Apps.

To get started with the Dynamic JSON Form PCF control and unlock the full potential of your Canvas apps, visit the GitHub repository and begin integrating dynamic JSON forms into your applications today!

