Upload a File to Azure DevOps using Power Automate


Uploading a File to Azure DevOps using Power Automate


In this blog post, we’ll explore how to automatically upload a file to an Azure DevOps repository when a new attachment is added to a SharePoint record. You can choose your desired trigger. We’ll use Power Automate to achieve this integration.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following in place:

  • An Azure DevOps account
  • A SharePoint site
  • Access to Power Automate


  1. Create a SharePoint List and Flow

    • Set up a SharePoint list to store records.
    • Create a Power Automate flow triggered when a new item is added to the list.

  2. Get Attachments from SharePoint Record

    • Use the “Get attachments” action in Power Automate to retrieve attachments from the SharePoint record.
    • Store the attachment URLs in a variable.

  3. Get Attachment Contents

    • Loop through the attachments.
    • Use the “Get Attachment Content” action to get the attachment contents.
    • Convert the contents to base64 using the “base64()” function.
    • Store the base64-encoded content in a variable/compose.

  4. Upload File to Azure DevOps Repository

    • Use the Azure DevOps REST API to create a new file in the repository.
    • Make an HTTP POST request to the following endpoint using the "Send an HTTP request to Azure DevOps" action:
    • {project}/_apis/git/repositories/{repositoryId}/pushes?api-version=6.0
    • In the request body, include the base64-encoded content and specify the file path.
    • See Examples at: Pushes - Azure DevOps

Remember to replace placeholders like {organization}, {project}, and {repositoryId} with your actual values.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!

